Why You Should Be More Mindful Of Your Sleep: innerself.com

Why You Should Be More Mindful Of Your Sleep: innerself.com

It can easily be said that our daily dose of uninterrupted sleep is one of the most important functions that the body requires to function optimally. Most sleep experts agree on the fact that about 7 to 9 hours of solid sleep is mandatory for any adult person. However, in this fast-paced modern world with its demanding working hours and the intrusion of technology into our living spaces has made people less considerate about maintaining a proper sleep routine. It is therefore of utmost importance that we go through some of the benefits of a proper night sleep in order to reinstate the position of sleeping as the first priority in our everyday lifestyle.

#01 Impact on work performance

It is somewhat ironical that some people are forced to compromise their sleep routine for the sake of meeting deadlines and working extended hours for more work output considering that a poor night of sleep drastically reduces one’s overall performance. Sleep deprivation not just robs a person of the alacrity and concentration by making them feel drowsy and groggy but also prevents people from registering new information in their head due to improper memory consolidation. When the various cycles of sleep such as deep sleep and REM phases are not completed, it becomes hard for the brain cells to store and recollect any bit of information. It is therefore essential to maintain a proper sleeping routine where one goes to bed and wakes up every day at the same time. Similarly, you must also refrain from dragging your work into the bed along with you- not only does it intrude into your sleep schedule but also dissociates your bed from the exclusive act of sleeping.  

#02 Sleep is an agent of recovery

Be it a long day at work or one filled with strenuous activities at the sports ground, a good night’s sleep is that one-stop solution for recovering the body cells to prevent the body from staying fatigued, and to  heal an injury internally. Whether it is an important presentation at the workplace or a major athletic event, it is advisable to get an undisturbed night of sleep so that the body has enough time to prepare it for the task ahead. Good sleep not only regulates the level of testosterone in the body which is so important for physical activities but also works at a micro level to heal muscle tears and tissue damages. This is precisely the reason that athletes are prescribed to gain enough rest in between strenuous activities. Try to upkeep a sleeping environment with the least possible disturbances from noise, temperature, light, and other sources so that you get an unhindered sleep that is required for complete body recovery.  Visit insidebedroom.com to get your hands on the best range of beddings and mattresses to create a wholesome sleeping experience.       

­#03 Poor sleep leads to weight gain

Out of a range of ill-effects that a poor sleeping routine may cause, disproportionate weight gain is a major problem which can be understood by the fact that in the US, the cases of insomnia and that of obesity increased in numbers along the same lines. Sleep deprived individuals are much more likely to find themselves putting on additional weight because of hindrance in the regulation of hormones such as leptin and ghrelin which control the appetite and reminds the body when to stop eating after it is full. Issues such as acid reflux and indigestion also stand as some of the most common effects of sleep deprivation. To prevent such issues that in turn can cause sleep disturbances, you should avoid meals that are rich in fats and spices. The use of alcohol or caffeine too close to the bedtime can also cause similar issues with digestion and urination.

#04 Stress and anxiety

Stress has a cyclical relationship with poor sleep where accumulation in stress may lead to lack of proper sleep and the same stress can make it very hard for someone to fall asleep. A spike in the level of the stress hormone called cortisol due to various reasons hinders the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. On the other hand, getting a full night’s sleep can prevent any such accumulation of stress and other issues related to mental health such as anxiety, depression, and various mood disorders. The best way to get rid of the stress accumulated over the day is to engage in pre-bedtime activities that gradually unwind the mind and body. Taking a warm shower, drinking herbal tea, writing a journal, and listening to soft music are some such ways to destress your mind.      

#05 Sleeping to maintain good skin

The youth and firmness of the human skin depends directly on the amount of unrestricted sleep that the body is receiving. Signs like dark circles, puffy eyes, pimple breakouts, fine line, and wrinkles among others exacerbate when the body doesn’t get the right amount of sleep. Additionally, it is beneficial to take certain measures that may assist in the process of cell and tissue recovery such as wearing an eye cream, applying moisturizer, drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and sleeping on your back. Maintaining a sleeping environment that facilitates a healthy sleeping experience is key because it is often the case that an unhygienic sleeping environment is found at the center of   skin issues like fine lines and pimple outbreaks.

# Bottom line:

Gaining a wholesome sleeping experience is not an overnight process, it is gained gradually over time. Once someone has gained a considerably good sleep health, they can experience better overall mood, more alertness throughout the day and increased motivation to maintain a good working-out routine. A sleep deprived individual is much less likely to carry on with exercising every day which makes a good sleep health essential for maintaining overall body fitness. Check out some of the most helpful tips that will keep you motivated to exercise regularly.  

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