How to Create Online Signature
An online signature, along with electronic reporting, has long been part of our daily routines. Online signature is not just a convenient and reliable tool, it’s a great way to save time. After all, e-signature eliminates the need to go to government offices to sign documents there as it can also be done online.
In legal terms, the legislation fully recognizes an electronic document with an online signature as a valid deed, and an online signature is regarded as an original handwritten signature.
There are several options for how to make an electronic signature: in government agencies, private companies, and banks.
Where Online Signing Can Be Used
More and more organizations use electronic signatures with each passing day. Any organization, regardless of its size and field of activities, can create its sample online signature and use it in an efficient way.
An electronic signature can now be used to certify any document, including:
- lease or rental agreement;
- bank form;
- an offer for sale;
- purchase contract;
- permit form;
- tax documentation;
- insurances;
- non-disclosure agreements.
How to Use an Electronic Signature
Not only can the online signature certify any document, but it can also be used to identify a person at many government portals and registries. Here are just some of the features that become available to online signature holders:
- You can use the Internet to apply for social benefits, such as childbirth allowances;
- It is possible to register in an online taxpayer’s office and then submit reports and make tax payments online;
- It is possible to obtain a certificate of criminal record online at the relevant platforms;
- It is possible to certify any documents drawn up in electronic form;
- It is possible to register a territorial community on a specialized online platform;
- It is possible to register an application online and participate in tenders.
It is very important for the owner of the electronic signature to ensure its safety and not to pass on the electronic key certificate to anyone.
What are the Advantages of Using an Online Signature
Using an online signature has a number of advantages, such as:
- Legal validity. Any document certified with an online signature is legally binding. This is possible due to the fact that all algorithms of such signatures are based on the applicable laws.
- Efficiency. It is possible to sign a document with an online signature by means of software in a few minutes. Besides, many programs offer additional tools to increase functionality.
- File security. An electronic signature on a virtual document serves as an additional guarantee of security for all parties involved in the process.
- Usability. A letter with an online email signature is much cheaper than a paper letter by traditional mail.
How to Choose Online Signature Software
Nowadays, there are a lot of modern platforms offering to draw a sample online signature. Some of the most famous ones include Adobe Sign, PandaDoc, DocuSign, SignNow, and HelloSign, while experts recommend the PandaDoc platform.
PandaDoc is a versatile application designed specifically to automate document management. Using this software, you can perform several different functions in one interface: create documents, certify them with an online signature, as well as send and track these documents.
The application offers solutions in the following areas: proposals and deals execution, workflow management, branding, team coordination, content management, as well as performance tracking.
Organizations that have access to the PandaDoc platform note the following positive changes in their operations:
- the average contract value has increased by 15%;
- performance has increased by 800%;
- the time it takes to create a document has decreased by 50%;
- the closing rate has increased by 30%.
One of the most important advantages of the PandaDoc application is that it is compatible with several CRMs, as well as ERP, cloud storage, payment, and other systems.
Learn more about PandaDoc features at