How to cope with a business case study essay

A business case study is a constitutive part of every business degree, focusing on analyzing and describing a particular topic in a simple and understandable form.  If you study business or concomitant courses, writing case studies is or will be crucial in determining your average grade and improving your knowledge of a specific topic. Whether you want to work in a corporation or run your own firm, knowing how to compose a case will help you better understand the company’s operation area alongside its strengths and weaknesses. This article sheds light on how to handle a business case study essay quickly and successfully.

What’s a business case study?

A business case study is a document describing a specific company and its product, service, implementation, or practically anything with a view to understanding whether such an element is successful and how it can be perfected. Such works are usually extensive and entail various sections for a reason. First, many units aim to make the document coherent, accurate, and transparent. Second, they ease the reading process, thus helping the audience better comprehend the piece.

Why do students write business case studies?

Writing business case studies improves students’ analytical thinking and decision-making skills. The assignment often requires writers to include limitations and recommendations regarding the ways to improve the company’s financial state, making students brainstorm unique ideas and unusual approaches. As professionals from online essay services point out, business case study writing is one of the most beneficial academic activities because it hugely affects students’ skills and increases their chances of landing the desired jobs. Learners’ writing efforts often have practical implications that might help the described company improve its market position.

Gauge your paper’s focus

Despite the business case study’s length, its contents must always be described in-depth. That’s why your first task is to identify the subject you want to write about in a paper. First and foremost, check the requirements and ensure you understand what your teacher has asked you to do. If the educator has allowed you to describe anything you like, choose one aspect and start working on it. It may be enticing to touch upon several things at once, especially when writing about a company you are interested in. But make no mistake: the more points you focus on in the case, the less detailed it will be.

Outline questions to help you write a more detailed essay

The range of essential and helpful questions will vary depending on your work scope. Nonetheless, ensure to ask relevant questions and have them in front of you so that they always remind you of your key goals. For instance, assume you are writing a business case study about the brand’s marketing campaign. In that case, the following questions will come in handy:

  • What and how many marketing channels has the campaign used?
  • Was there any team responsible for the marketing agenda?
  • How many resources were spent on the ad campaign?
  • How were finances distributed among marketing channels?
  • Were the ads successful in terms of KPI and other metrics?
  • What is the ROI?

Secure note-taking is adequate and accurate

Business case study writing tends to be more time-consuming than other assignments. The reason is apparent: as a writer, you must approach the subject differently. Moreover, you need to do that several times to ensure your analysis and its results are unparalleled and precise. If you forget to add something to the paper or neglect to dive deeper into the work, it’s unlikely that your essay will score high, let alone allow you to secure a job upon graduation.

The best way to approach accuracy in writing is to take notes when working on the task. Taking notes may often seem mundane and ineffective, but the efficiency of a note-taking activity entirely hinges on your writing method. Remember that notes must be taken in a way every word is valuable to you, no matter when you revise them. Develop a habit of writing mindful notes using techniques like mind-mapping or clustering. Putting ideas on paper will help you glue pieces together and create an easily-readable case in the long run.

Locate sources for backing up a theoretical part

Although your role is to analyze a real-life business, referring to academic sources is still required. Supporting your arguments with scholarly articles is crucial to legitimizing your opinion about the corporation’s function area. Look for sources published within the last few years on credible sites and reliable newspaper agencies.

Create a business case study outline

Outlining the steps will allow you to quickly move from one section to another and keep your content cohesive and informative. It will also help you deter inconsistencies and deviations. The following layout structure will help you organize your writing session:

  • Intro
  • Overview of the subject
  • Issue(s) analyzed
  • Solution
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • CTA
  • References

Please keep in mind that this outline doesn’t represent a typical business case structure. It’s best to learn about the required sections beforehand. Contact the instructor if there is no information about the format.

Ease the reading session

Other than the writer’s point of view is the reader’s one. Whether an employer, a teacher, or classmates, you should determine your target audience and adhere your writing to their knowledge. Writing hard-to-read paragraphs will negatively influence your paper, especially if the readers have no background in the topic. Try to simplify your writing by:

  • Preferring an active voice over the passive
  • Shortening sentences
  • Creating bulleted lists
  • Including figures, charts, and tables
  • Providing helpful examples

Review the piece

Editing a business case study may not be the most enjoyable task, but the more effort you put into editing, the better the document you will write. Since a case usually has more than three pages, try breaking your editing session down into several blocks. Checking the writing style, taking a break, and moving to the problem description (for example) will allow you to maintain productivity and attention and fix more errors.

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